
Configurable props

This page shows the list of available properties to configure player



Platforms: Android | iOS

Sets the VAST uri to play AVOD ads.



Note: You need enable IMA SDK in gradle or pod file - enable client side ads insertion


Platform: iOS

Indicates whether the player allows switching to external playback mode such as AirPlay or HDMI.

  • true (default) - allow switching to external playback mode
  • false - Don't allow switching to external playback mode


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Changes the audio output.

  • speaker (default) - plays through speaker
  • earpiece - plays through earpiece


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

A Boolean value that indicates whether the player should automatically delay playback in order to minimize stalling. For clients linked against iOS 10.0 and later

  • false - Immediately starts playback
  • true (default) - Delays playback in order to minimize stalling


Platform: Android

Adjust the buffer settings. This prop takes an object with one or more of the properties listed below.

minBufferMsnumberThe default minimum duration of media that the player will attempt to ensure is buffered at all times, in milliseconds.
maxBufferMsnumberThe default maximum duration of media that the player will attempt to buffer, in milliseconds.
bufferForPlaybackMsnumberThe default duration of media that must be buffered for playback to start or resume following a user action such as a seek, in milliseconds.
bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMsnumberThe default duration of media that must be buffered for playback to resume after a rebuffer, in milliseconds. A rebuffer is defined to be caused by buffer depletion rather than a user action.
backBufferDurationMsnumberThe number of milliseconds of buffer to keep before the current position. This allows rewinding without rebuffering within that duration.
maxHeapAllocationPercentnumberThe percentage of available heap that the video can use to buffer, between 0 and 1
minBackBufferMemoryReservePercentnumberThe percentage of available app memory at which during startup the back buffer will be disabled, between 0 and 1
minBufferMemoryReservePercentnumberThe percentage of available app memory to keep in reserve that prevents buffer from using it, between 0 and 1
cacheSizeMBnumberCache size in MB, enabling this to prevent new src requests and save bandwidth while repeating videos, or 0 to disable. Android only.
liveobjectObject containing another config set for live playback configuration, see next table

Description of live object:

maxPlaybackSpeednumberThe maximum playback speed the player can use to catch up when trying to reach the target live offset.
minPlaybackSpeednumberThe minimum playback speed the player can use to fall back when trying to reach the target live offset.
maxOffsetMsnumberThe maximum allowed live offset. Even when adjusting the offset to current network conditions, the player will not attempt to get above this offset during playback.
minOffsetMsnumberThe minimum allowed live offset. Even when adjusting the offset to current network conditions, the player will not attempt to get below this offset during playback.
targetOffsetMsnumberThe target live offset. The player will attempt to get close to this live offset during playback if possible.

For android, more informations about live configuration can be find here (opens in a new tab)

Example with default values:

  minBufferMs: 15000,
  maxBufferMs: 50000,
  bufferForPlaybackMs: 2500,
  bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs: 5000,
  backBufferDurationMs: 120000,
  cacheSizeMB: 0,
  live: {
      targetOffsetMs: 500,

Please note that the Android cache is a global cache that is shared among all components; individual components can still opt out of caching behavior by setting cacheSizeMB to 0, but multiple components with a positive cacheSizeMB will be sharing the same one, and the cache size will always be the first value set; it will not change during the app's lifecycle.


Platform: Android

Configure buffering / data loading strategy.

  • Default (default): use exoplayer default loading strategy
  • DisableBuffering: never try to buffer more than needed. Be carefull using this value will stop playback. To be used with care.
  • DependingOnMemory: use exoplayer default strategy, but stop buffering and starts gc if available memory is low |


Platform: tvOS

To provide a custom chapter source for tvOS. This prop takes an array of objects with the properties listed below.

titlestringThe title of the chapter to create
startTimenumberThe start time of the chapter in seconds
endTimenumberThe end time of the chapter in seconds
uristring?Optional: Provide an http orl or the some base64 string to override the image of the chapter. For some media files the images are generated automatically


Platforms: Android | iOS

When playing an HLS live stream with a EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag configured, then this property will contain the epoch value in msec.


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Determines whether to show player controls.

  • false (default) - Don't show player controls
  • true - Show player controls

Controls are always shown in fullscreen mode, even when controls={false}. If needed, you can also add your controls or use a package like react-native-video-controls (opens in a new tab) or react-native-media-console (opens in a new tab), see Useful Side Project.


Platform: Android

Adjust the control styles. This prop is need only if controls={true} and is an object. See the list of prop supported below.

hidePositionbooleanHides the position indicator. Default is false.
hidePlayPausebooleanHides the play/pause button. Default is false.
hideForwardbooleanHides the forward button. Default is false.
hideRewindbooleanHides the rewind button. Default is false.
hideNextbooleanHides the next button. Default is false.
hidePreviousbooleanHides the previous button. Default is false.
hideFullscreenbooleanHides the fullscreen button. Default is false.
hideSeekBarbooleanThe default value is false, allowing you to hide the seek bar for live broadcasts.
hideDurationbooleanThe default value is false, allowing you to hide the duration.
hideNavigationBarOnFullScreenModebooleanThe default value is true, allowing you to hide the navigation bar on full-screen mode.
hideNotificationBarOnFullScreenModebooleanThe default value is true, allowing you to hide the notification bar on full-screen mode.
seekIncrementMSnumberThe default value is 10000. You can change the value to increment forward and rewind.

Example with default values:

  hidePosition: false,
  hidePlayPause: false,
  hideForward: false,
  hideRewind: false,
  hideNext: false,
  hidePrevious: false,
  hideFullscreen: false,
  hideSeekBar: false,
  hideDuration: false,
  hideNavigationBarOnFullScreenMode: true,
  hideNotificationBarOnFullScreenMode: true,
  seekIncrementMS: 10000,


Platform: Android

Changes the android cookie policy

  • "original" - Sets the CookiePolicy as ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER
  • "all" - Sets the CookiePolicy as ACCEPT_ALL
  • "none" - Sets the CookiePolicy as ACCEPT_NONE
  • "system_default (default)" - Unsets CookiePolicy completely (default is Android system, default in this library)


Platform: Android

Enable more verbosity in logs.

[!WARNING] Do not use this open in production build

enablebooleanwhen true, display logs with verbosity higher
threadbooleanenable thread display

Example with default values:

  enable: true,
  thread: true,


Platform: Android

Determines whether video audio should override background music/audio in Android devices.

  • false (default) - Override background audio/music
  • true - Let background audio/music from other apps play

Note: Allows multiple videos to play if set to true. If false, when one video is playing and another is started, the first video will be paused.


Platform: Android

Determines if the player needs to throw an error when connection is lost or not

  • false (default) - Player will throw an error when connection is lost
  • true - Player will keep trying to buffer when network connect is lost


[!WARNING] deprecated, use source.drm instead

Platforms: Android | iOS

To setup DRM please follow this guide

⚠️ DRM is not supported on visionOS yet


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

Add video filter

  • FilterType.NONE (default) - No Filter
  • FilterType.INVERT - CIColorInvert
  • FilterType.MONOCHROME - CIColorMonochrome
  • FilterType.POSTERIZE - CIColorPosterize
  • FilterType.FALSE - CIFalseColor
  • FilterType.MAXIMUMCOMPONENT - CIMaximumComponent
  • FilterType.MINIMUMCOMPONENT - CIMinimumComponent
  • FilterType.CHROME - CIPhotoEffectChrome
  • FilterType.FADE - CIPhotoEffectFade
  • FilterType.INSTANT - CIPhotoEffectInstant
  • FilterType.MONO - CIPhotoEffectMono
  • FilterType.NOIR - CIPhotoEffectNoir
  • FilterType.PROCESS - CIPhotoEffectProcess
  • FilterType.TONAL - CIPhotoEffectTonal
  • FilterType.TRANSFER - CIPhotoEffectTransfer
  • FilterType.SEPIA - CISepiaTone

For more details on these filters refer to the iOS docs (opens in a new tab).


  1. Using a filter can impact CPU usage. A workaround is to save the video with the filter and then load the saved video.
  2. Video filter is currently not supported on HLS playlists.
  3. filterEnabled must be set to true


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

Enable video filter.

  • false (default) - Don't enable filter
  • true - Enable filter


Platform: Android

Whether this video view should be focusable with a non-touch input device, eg. receive focus with a hardware keyboard.

  • false - Makes view unfocusable
  • true (default) - Makes view focusable


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Controls whether the player enters fullscreen on play. See presentFullscreenPlayer for details.

  • false (default) - Don't display the video in fullscreen
  • true - Display the video in fullscreen


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

If a preferred fullscreenOrientation is set, causes the video to rotate to that orientation but permits rotation of the screen to orientation held by user. Defaults to TRUE.


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

  • all (default) -
  • landscape
  • portrait


Platforms: iOS | Android

Pass headers to the HTTP client. Can be used for authorization. Headers must be a part of the source object.


  uri: "https://www.example.com/video.mp4",
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'bearer some-token-value',
    'X-Custom-Header': 'some value'


Platform: Android

Controls whether the ExoPlayer shutter view (black screen while loading) is enabled.

  • false (default) - Show shutter view
  • true - Hide shutter view


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

Controls the iOS silent switch behavior

  • "inherit" (default) - Use the default AVPlayer behavior
  • "ignore" - Play audio even if the silent switch is set
  • "obey" - Don't play audio if the silent switch is set


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Sets the desired limit, in bits per second, of network bandwidth consumption when multiple video streams are available for a playlist.

Default: 0. Don't limit the maxBitRate.

Note: This property can interact with selectedVideoTrack. To use maxBitrate, selectedVideoTrack shall be undefined or {type: SelectedVideoTrackType.AUTO}.


maxBitRate={2000000} // 2 megabits


Platform: Android

Sets the minimum number of times to retry loading data before failing and reporting an error to the application. Useful to recover from transient internet failures.

Default: 3. Retry 3 times.


minLoadRetryCount={5} // retry 5 times


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

Controls how Audio mix with other apps.

  • "inherit" (default) - Use the default AVPlayer behavior
  • "mix" - Audio from this video mixes with audio from other apps.
  • "duck" - Reduces the volume of other apps while audio from this video plays.


Platforms: All

Controls whether the audio is muted

  • false (default) - Don't mute audio
  • true - Mute audio


Platforms: All

Controls whether the media is paused

  • false (default) - Don't pause the media
  • true - Pause the media


Platform: iOS

Determine whether the media should played as picture in picture.

  • false (default) - Don't not play as picture in picture
  • true - Play the media as picture in picture

NOTE: Video ads cannot start when you are using the PIP on iOS (more info available at Google IMA SDK Docs (opens in a new tab)). If you are using custom controls, you must hide your PIP button when you receive the STARTED event from onReceiveAdEvent and show it again when you receive the ALL_ADS_COMPLETED event.


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Determine whether the media should continue playing while the app is in the background. This allows customers to continue listening to the audio.

  • false (default) - Don't continue playing the media
  • true - Continue playing the media

To use this feature on iOS, you must:


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

Determine whether the media should continue playing when notifications or the Control Center are in front of the video.

  • false (default) - Don't continue playing the media
  • true - Continue playing the media


Platforms: All

[!WARNING] Value: string with a URL for the poster is deprecated, use poster as object instead

An image to display while the video is loading

Value: Props for the Image component. The poster is visible when the source attribute is provided.

    source: { uri: "https://baconmockup.com/300/200/" },
    resizeMode: "cover",
    // ...


[!WARNING] deprecated, use poster with resizeMode key instead

Platforms: All

Determines how to resize the poster image when the frame doesn't match the raw video dimensions.

  • "contain" (default) - Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "center" - Center the image in the view along both dimensions. If the image is larger than the view, scale it down uniformly so that it is contained in the view.
  • "cover" - Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "none" - Don't apply resize
  • "repeat" - Repeat the image to cover the frame of the view. The image will keep its size and aspect ratio. (iOS only)
  • "stretch" - Scale width and height independently, This may change the aspect ratio of the src.


Platforms: iOS | visionOS

The duration the player should buffer media from the network ahead of the playhead to guard against playback disruption. Sets the preferredForwardBufferDuration (opens in a new tab) instance property on AVPlayerItem.

Default: 0


Platforms: iOS | Android

Controls whether or not the display should be allowed to sleep while playing the video. Default is not to allow display to sleep.

Default: true


Platforms: All

Delay in milliseconds between onProgress events in milliseconds.

Default: 250.0


Platforms: All

Speed at which the media should play.

  • 0.0 - Pauses the video (iOS only)
  • 1.0 - Play at normal speed (default)
  • Other values - Slow down or speed up playback


Platforms: All

Allows you to create custom components to display while the video is loading. If renderLoader is provided, poster and posterResizeMode will be ignored. renderLoader is either a component or a function returning a component. It is recommended to use the function for optimization matter.

renderLoader function be called with parameters of type ReactVideoRenderLoaderProps to be able to adapt loader

interface ReactVideoRenderLoaderProps {
  source?: ReactVideoSource;                /// source of the video
  style?: StyleProp<ImageStyle>;            /// style to apply
  resizeMode?: EnumValues<VideoResizeMode>; /// resizeMode provided to the video component


  renderLoader={() => (
      <Text>Custom Loader</Text>


Platforms: All

Determine whether to repeat the video when the end is reached

  • false (default) - Don't repeat the video
  • true - Repeat the video


Platform: Android

Determine whether to generate onBandwidthUpdate events. This is needed due to the high frequency of these events on ExoPlayer.

  • false (default) - Don't generate onBandwidthUpdate events
  • true - Generate onBandwidthUpdate events


Platforms: Android | iOS | Windows UWP

Determines how to resize the video when the frame doesn't match the raw video dimensions.

  • "none" (default) - Don't apply resize
  • "contain" - Scale the video uniformly (maintain the video's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the video will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "cover" - Scale the video uniformly (maintain the video's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
  • "stretch" - Scale width and height independently, This may change the aspect ratio of the src.


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Configure which audio track, if any, is played.

  type: Type,
  value: Value


  type: "title",
  value: "Dubbing"
"system" (default)N/APlay the audio track that matches the system language. If none match, play the first track.
"disabled"N/ATurn off audio
"title"stringPlay the audio track with the title specified as the Value, e.g. "French"
"language"stringPlay the audio track with the language specified as the Value, e.g. "fr"
"index"numberPlay the audio track with the index specified as the value, e.g. 0

If a track matching the specified Type (and Value if appropriate) is unavailable, the first audio track will be played. If multiple tracks match the criteria, the first match will be used.


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Configure which text track (caption or subtitle), if any, is shown.

  type: Type,
  value: Value


  type: "title",
  value: "English Subtitles"
"system" (default)N/ADisplay captions only if the system preference for captions is enabled
"disabled"N/ADon't display a text track
"title"stringDisplay the text track with the title specified as the Value, e.g. "French 1"
"language"stringDisplay the text track with the language specified as the Value, e.g. "fr"
"index"numberDisplay the text track with the index specified as the value, e.g. 0

Both iOS & Android (only 4.4 and higher) offer Settings to enable Captions for hearing impaired people. If "system" is selected and the Captions Setting is enabled, iOS/Android will look for a caption that matches that customer's language and display it.

If a track matching the specified Type (and Value if appropriate) is unavailable, no text track will be displayed. If multiple tracks match the criteria, the first match will be used.


Platform: Android

Configure which video track should be played. By default, the player uses Adaptive Bitrate Streaming to automatically select the stream it thinks will perform best based on available bandwidth.

  type: Type,
  value: Value


  type: "resolution",
  value: 480
"auto" (default)N/ALet the player determine which track to play using ABR
"disabled"N/ATurn off video
"resolution"numberPlay the video track with the height specified, e.g. 480 for the 480p stream
"index"numberPlay the video track with the index specified as the value, e.g. 0

If a track matching the specified Type (and Value if appropriate) is unavailable, ABR will be used.


Platform: Android

Apply color to shutter view, if you see black flashes before video start then set

shutterColor = 'transparent';
  • black (default)


Sets the media source. You can pass an asset loaded via require or an object with a uri.

Setting the source will trigger the player to attempt to load the provided media with all other given props. Please be sure that all props are provided before/at the same time as setting the source.

Rendering the player component with a null source will init the player, and start playing once a source value is provided.

Providing a null source value after loading a previous source will stop playback, and clear out the previous source content.

The docs for this prop are incomplete and will be updated as each option is investigated and tested.

Asset loaded via require

⚠️ on iOS, you file name must not contain spaces eg. my video.mp4 will not work, use my-video.mp4 instead


Pass directly the asset to play (deprecated)

const sintel = require('./sintel.mp4');
source = {sintel};

Or by using an uri (starting from 6.0.0-beta.6)

const sintel = require('./sintel.mp4');
source={{ uri: sintel }}

URI string

A number of URI schemes are supported by passing an object with a uri attribute.

All uri string shall be url encoded. For exemple 'www.myurl.com/blabla?q=test (opens in a new tab) uri' is invalid, where 'www.myurl.com/blabla?q=test%20uri (opens in a new tab)' is valid

Web address (http://, https://)

Platforms: All


source={{uri: 'https://www.sample-videos.com/video/mp4/720/big_buck_bunny_720p_10mb.mp4' }}
File path (file://)

Platform: Android


source={{ uri: 'file:///sdcard/Movies/sintel.mp4' }}

Note: Your app will need to request permission to read external storage if you're accessing a file outside your app.

File from asset folder (asset://)

Platform: Android

Allows to play a video file from the asset folder from the application


source={{ uri: 'asset:///sintel.mp4' }}
iPod Library (ipod-library://)

Platform: iOS

Path to a sound file in your iTunes library. Typically shared from iTunes to your app.


source={{ uri: 'ipod-library:///path/to/music.mp3' }}

Note: Using this feature adding an entry for NSAppleMusicUsageDescription to your Info.plist file as described here (opens in a new tab)

Explicit mimetype for the stream

Provide a member type with value (mpd/m3u8/ism) inside the source object. Sometimes is needed when URL extension does not match with the mimetype that you are expecting, as seen on the next example. (Extension is .ism -smooth streaming- but file served is on format mpd -mpeg dash-)


source={{ uri: 'http://host-serving-a-type-different-than-the-extension.ism/manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)',
type: 'mpd' }}
Other protocols

The following other types are supported on some platforms, but aren't fully documented yet: content://, ms-appx://, ms-appdata://, assets-library://

Using DRM content

Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS | tvOS

To setup DRM please follow this guide


      description: 'WV: Secure SD & HD (cbcs,MP4,H264)',
      uri: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/cbcs/h264/tears/tears_aes_cbcs.mpd',
      drm: {
        type: DRMType.WIDEVINE,

Start playback at a specific point in time

Platforms: Android | iOS

Provide an optional startPosition for video. Value is in milliseconds. If the cropStart prop is applied, it will be applied from that point forward. (If it is negative or undefined or null, it is ignored)

Playing only a portion of the video (start & end time)

Platforms: Android | iOS

Provide an optional cropStart and/or cropEnd for the video. Value is in milliseconds. Useful when you want to play only a portion of a large video.


source={{ uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8', cropStart: 36012, cropEnd: 48500 }}
source={{ uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8', cropStart: 36012 }}
source={{ uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8', cropEnd: 48500 }}

Overriding the metadata of a source

Platforms: Android | iOS | tvOS

Provide an optional title, subtitle, artist, imageUri and/or description properties for the video. Useful when using notification controls on Android or iOS or to adapt the tvOS playback experience.


    uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8',
    metadata: {
      title: 'Custom Title',
      subtitle: 'Custom Subtitle',
      artist: 'Custom Artist',
      description: 'Custom Description',
      imageUri: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1498641868397191170/6qW2XkuI_400x400.png'


Platform: Android

AllowChunklessPreparation for hls media source. see: disabling-chunkless (opens in a new tab) in android documentation.

Default value: true.

    uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8',
    textTracksAllowChunklessPreparation: false,


Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Load one or more "sidecar" text tracks. This takes an array of objects representing each track. Each object should have the format:

⚠️ This feature does not work with HLS playlists (e.g m3u8) on iOS

titleDescriptive name for the track
language2 letter ISO 639-1 code (opens in a new tab) representing the language
typeMime type of the track _ TextTrackType.SRT - SubRip (.srt) _ TextTrackType.TTML - TTML (.ttml) * TextTrackType.VTT - WebVTT (.vtt)iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
uriURL for the text track. Currently, only tracks hosted on a webserver are supported

On iOS, sidecar text tracks are only supported for individual files, not HLS playlists. For HLS, you should include the text tracks as part of the playlist.

Note: Due to iOS limitations, sidecar text tracks are not compatible with Airplay. If textTracks are specified, AirPlay support will be automatically disabled.


import { TextTrackType }, Video from 'react-native-video';
    title: "English CC",
    language: "en",
    type: TextTrackType.VTT, // "text/vtt"
    uri: "https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/subtitles/subtitles_en.vtt"
    title: "Spanish Subtitles",
    language: "es",
    type: TextTrackType.SRT, // "application/x-subrip"
    uri: "https://durian.blender.org/wp-content/content/subtitles/sintel_es.srt"


foregroundColorstring (hex)The preferred foreground color.Android
backgroundColorstring (hex)The preferred background color.Android
windowColorstring (hex)The preferred window color.Android
fontSizenumberAdjust the font size of the subtitles. Default: font size of the deviceAndroid
paddingTopnumberAdjust the top padding of the subtitles. Default: 0Android
paddingBottomnumberAdjust the bottom padding of the subtitles. Default: 0Android
paddingLeftnumberAdjust the left padding of the subtitles. Default: 0Android
paddingRightnumberAdjust the right padding of the subtitles. Default: 0Android
opacitynumberAdjust the visibility of subtitles with 0 hiding and 1 fully showing them. Android supports float values between 0 and 1 for varying opacity levels, whereas iOS supports only 0 or 1. Default: 1.Android, iOS
subtitlesFollowVideoAndroidBoolean to adjust position of subtitles. Default: true


subtitleStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#40000000", paddingBottom: 50, fontSize: 20, opacity: 0 }}


Platform: Android

Determines whether if subtitle embedded lines should respected.

  • true (default) - Respected embedded lines
  • false - Ignore embedded lines

Note for subtitlesFollowVideo

subtitlesFollowVideo helps to determine how the subtitles are positionned. To understand this prop you need to understand how views management works. The main View style passed to react native video is the position reserved to display the video component. It may not match exactly the real video size. For exemple, you can pass a 4:3 video view and render a 16:9 video inside. So there is a second view, the video view.

Subtitles are managed in a third view.

First react-native-video resize the video to keep aspect ratio (depending on resizeMode property) and put it in main view.

  • When putting subtitlesFollowVideo to true, the subtitle view will be adapt to the video view. It means that if the video is displayed out of screen, the subtitles may also be displayed out of screen.

  • When putting subtitlesFollowVideo to false, the subtitle view will keep adapting to the main view. It means that if the video is displayed out of screen, the subtitles may also be displayed out of screen.

This prop can be changed on runtime.


[!WARNING] deprecated, use source.textTracks instead. changing text tracks will restart playback

Platforms: Android | iOS | visionOS

Load one or more "sidecar" text tracks. This takes an array of objects representing each track. Each object should have the format:

⚠️ This feature does not work with HLS playlists (e.g m3u8) on iOS

titleDescriptive name for the track
language2 letter ISO 639-1 code (opens in a new tab) representing the language
typeMime type of the track _ TextTrackType.SRT - SubRip (.srt) _ TextTrackType.TTML - TTML (.ttml) * TextTrackType.VTT - WebVTT (.vtt)iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
uriURL for the text track. Currently, only tracks hosted on a webserver are supported

On iOS, sidecar text tracks are only supported for individual files, not HLS playlists. For HLS, you should include the text tracks as part of the playlist.

Note: Due to iOS limitations, sidecar text tracks are not compatible with Airplay. If textTracks are specified, AirPlay support will be automatically disabled.


import { TextTrackType }, Video from 'react-native-video';
    title: "English CC",
    language: "en",
    type: TextTrackType.VTT, // "text/vtt"
    uri: "https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/subtitles/subtitles_en.vtt"
    title: "Spanish Subtitles",
    language: "es",
    type: TextTrackType.SRT, // "application/x-subrip"
    uri: "https://durian.blender.org/wp-content/content/subtitles/sintel_es.srt"


Platforms: Android | iOS

Controls whether to show media controls in the notification area. For Android each Video component will have its own notification controls and for iOS only one notification control will be shown for the last Active Video component.

On android this will also allow for external controls, Google Assistant session and other benefits of MediaSession.

You propably want also set playInBackground to true to keep the video playing when the app is in the background or playWhenInactive to true to keep the video playing when notifications or the Control Center are in front of the video.

To customize the notification controls you can use metadata property in the source prop.

  • false (default) - Don't show media controls in the notification area
  • true - Show media controls in the notification area

To test notification controls on iOS you need to run the app on a real device, as the simulator does not support it.

For Android you have to add the following code in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK" />
            <action android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaSessionService" />


[!WARNING] deprecated, use viewType instead

Platform: Android

Force the output to a SurfaceView and enables the secure surface.

This will override useTextureView flag.

SurfaceView is is the only one that can be labeled as secure.

  • true - Use security
  • false (default) - Do not use security


[!WARNING] deprecated, use viewType instead

Platform: Android

Controls whether to output to a TextureView or SurfaceView.

SurfaceView is more efficient and provides better performance but has two limitations:

  • It can't be animated, transformed or scaled
  • You can't overlay multiple SurfaceViews

useTextureView can only be set at same time you're setting the source.

  • true (default) - Use a TextureView
  • false - Use a SurfaceView


Platform: Android

Allow to explicitly specify view type. This flag replace useSecureView and useTextureView fields. There are 3 available values:

  • 'textureView': The video is rendered in a texture view. it allows mapping the view on a texture (useful for 3D). DRM playback is not supported on textureView, if drm prop is provided, the suface will be transformed to a SurfaceView.
  • 'surfaceView' (default): The video is rendered in a surface. take less resources to be rendered.
  • 'secureView': The video is rendered in a surface which disallow taking screenshot of the video


Platforms: All

Adjust the volume.

  • 1.0 (default) - Play at full volume
  • 0.0 - Mute the audio
  • Other values - Reduce volume


Platform: Android

Configure CMCD (Common Media Client Data) parameters. CMCD is a standard for conveying client-side metrics and capabilities to servers, which can help improve streaming quality and performance.

For detailed information about CMCD, please refer to the CTA-5004 Final Specification (opens in a new tab).

  • false (default) - Don't use CMCD
  • true - Use default CMCD configuration
  • object - Use custom CMCD configuration

When providing an object, you can configure the following properties:

modeCmcdModeThe mode for sending CMCD data
requestCmcdDataCustom key-value pairs for the request object
sessionCmcdDataCustom key-value pairs for the session object
objectCmcdDataCustom key-value pairs for the object metadata
statusCmcdDataCustom key-value pairs for the status information

Note: The mode property defaults to CmcdMode.MODE_QUERY_PARAMETER if not specified.


CmcdMode is an enum that defines how CMCD data should be sent:

  • CmcdMode.MODE_REQUEST_HEADER (0) - Send CMCD data in the HTTP request headers.
  • CmcdMode.MODE_QUERY_PARAMETER (1) - Send CMCD data as query parameters in the URL.


CmcdData is a type representing custom key-value pairs for CMCD data. It's defined as:

type CmcdData = Record<`${string}-${string}`, string | number>;

Custom key names MUST include a hyphenated prefix to prevent namespace collisions. It's recommended to use a reverse-DNS syntax for custom prefixes.


    uri: 'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8',
    cmcd: {
      mode: CmcdMode.MODE_QUERY_PARAMETER,
      request: {
        'com-custom-key': 'custom-value'
      session: {
        sid: 'session-id'
      object: {
        br: '3000',
        d: '4000'
      status: {
        rtp: '1200'
  // or other video props